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The procedure for grant of BIS Certification Marks Licence begins with the filing of application in the prescribed application form by the manufacturer desirous of obtaining the licence. A licence is granted for varieties of products covered under a given Indian Standard. The form along with all technical documents are required to be submitted to the branch office under whose jurisdiction the manufacturing unit is located.

On scrutiny of the application and enclosed documents at the facilitation counter, if the application is found complete in all respects, it is recorded and assigned an application number. The application is acknowledged and the number is conveyed to the applicant across the counter for future reference. A second stage scrutiny (Technical Scrutiny) of application will be undertaken thereafter.


Preliminary inspection of the unit is carried out on a allotted date after of recording of application. During this inspection the firm’s manufacturing capability and controls, quality control techniques, testing facilities available and the technical skills of the personnel are evaluated. Samples of products are tested and also drawn for testing in laboratories specified for the product The fee for Preliminary visits is charged as per the rates decided by BIS from time to time. Testing charges for the sample drawn during Preliminary visit for independent testing are required to be paid by the applicant. During the preliminary inspection, the Scheme of Testing and Inspection, Marking Fee for the product are discussed with the applicant’s management.


Licence to use the Standard Mark on a product is granted only after BIS has ensured the capability of the manufacturer to manufacture the product in conformity to the relevant Indian Standard, on a continuous basis. This is ensured through preliminary factory evaluation to ascertain the capability of the manufacturer to produce goods according to the relevant Indian Standard especially with respect to raw materials, process of manufacture, manufacturing capability and quality control facilities including testing equipment and supervisory staff. Samples are tested in the factory. Simultaneously, samples are also drawn for testing in the independent laboratories for assessing conformity to the relevant standard. The manufacturer is required to agree to operate a well defined scheme of testsing and inspection as approved by BIS from time to time, which inter alia prescribes the specific tests and the frequency for conducting them. The manufacturer also has to agree to pay the charges fixed by BIS for the product. Licence is granted only after the manufacturer agrees to these conditions and if the factory inspection and test reports are found to be satisfactory.


The initial validity period of the licence is one year. Licence can be renewed for further period of one/two years, subject to satisfactory operation of licence as observed during periodic inspections, factory & independent testing of samples drawn from factory and market.


The simplified procedure has been introduced with a view to reduce the time taken for grant of licence after submission of application. In this procedure, the applicant is required to submit test report(s) from laboratory, along with the application. Grant of licence is considered provided the verification visit is found to be satisfactory and the applicant agrees to implement the defined scheme of testing and inspection and pay the prescribed marking fee. Sample(s) is (are) drawn during the verification visit for independent testing, but the conformity of this sample does not form a pre-condition for grant of licence. However, the test result is used for review purpose

Applicant has to submit application in the prescribed application and a self evaluation cum verification report along with prescribed documents and original test report(s) not older than one month covering all requirements according to the relevant ISS from the specified laboratory together with the application fee and special inspection charges for considering grant of licence under Product Certification Scheme of BIS

The application form with test report(s) along with prescribed documents and requisite fee is required to be submitted to the Branch Office under whose jurisdiction the manufacturing unit is located. One application should be submitted for one product and for one manufacturing location.

The licence is granted to the applicant for the varieties of product covered under a given Indian Standard, if he has the capability to manufacture and test the product at the specified location. Applicant is also required to agree to operate the prescribed scheme of testing and Inspection and pay the marking fee during the course of operation of licence.

Before submission of the samples for testing in any of the recognized labs, the applicant shall ensure from the laboratory preferably in writing that they have complete testing facility for the specific product and they shall issue complete test report as per relevant Indian Standards in a definite time period. BIS shall not be responsible, in case partial test reports are issued by Labs for samples submitted by applicant. Applicant must ensure its completeness before accepting TRs from Labs. All correspondence shall be with Lab(s) who has/have undertaken the testing


On scrutiny of the application and enclosed documents at the facilitation counter of the BO, if the application is found complete in all respects, it is recorded and assigned an application number. The application is acknowledged and the number is conveyed to the applicant across the counter for future reference. A second stage scrutiny (Technical Scrutiny) of application will be undertake.


Verification visit by BIS Officer

The concerned BO where the application has been submitted further scrutinizes the application, self evaluation-cum-verification report and test report(s) submitted by the Applicant. A factory visit is arranged to verify capabilities of the organization with respect to Manufacturing and Testing facilities and competence of Quality Control Personnel

During the verification audit, sample(s) of product from regular production is also tested, sealed for Testing in an independent laboratory. However, the conformity of this sample does not form a pre-condition for grant of licence. After receipt of the test report(s) of the sample drawn during the verification visit, the case will be reviewed. If the sample is found failing, marking shall be stopped immediately.

In case of discrepancies observed during verification visit, all corrective actions are required to be completed by the applicant in such a time that process of grant of licence is complete within 30 days. However, if the applicant requires any extension in time required for compliance, it has to request for the same in writing, and any delay in grant of licence will be on the account of the applicant. The total time for processing the application in such cases shall not exceed three months. In such cases if the test report of sample drawn during the verification visit is received in the meantime and found failing, the application will be rejected. A fresh application for grant of licence shall be considered under normal procedure only, after improvement in the quality of the product.

Grant of Licence

Grant of licence will be considered by the Competent Authority after scrutiny of required documents submitted by the applicant and verification of the same by BIS to its satisfaction as per BIS Act, Rules and Regulations and guidelines formulated for the purpose. The initial validity period of the licence is one year. Licence can be renewed for further period of one/two years, subject to satisfactory operation of licence as observed during periodic inspections, factory & independent testing of samples drawn from factory and market.

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